Scarecrow mcr We believe other

Scarecrow mcr

We believe other forms of HD media are inferior. Our goal is educate, support and propagate blu-ray. I await the day a format comes that offers uncompressed video in addition to audio. There will be no toping that. I think that blu ray has reached a medium which is fairly bomb proof for a little while, but lets not forget that camera technology is always improving and that the images we will see will get better over the coming years, and that blu ray is big enough to handle this much data especially when we increase to 100gb discs. The next step is to legalize marijuana. To paraphrase Jon Stewart in Half Baked: But have you seen a Blu-ray movie, on weed? i see the home movie format moving in the same direction as music with digital downlads becoming the mainstream. I feel that the market will adopt convience over qualiy such as history has already shown. That being said i feel there will be a market for blu ray for many years to come. It seams that the home video format has reached perfection with blu ray and there wont be any improvment in quality for many years to come. DVD was a step down from laserdisc as far as quality goes but it was much more practical just as downloads are much more practical. I see blu ray being the home video version of vinyl which is still very popular even to this day 3D should be here with BD, apart from that it is a hard call 1600p?, doubt it. Holograms? way too far away my guess BD will be around for some time, lets enjoy it for now and when the time for something new comes about we will know about it at least for 3-4 years before it hits the market. 1 consumers need/want something better: for BD it was HD for their HD sets, I have no idea what a new format can bring 2 market saturation: the goal of a studio is to sell movies coming out with a new format that can improve on the old or at least replace it is important, I re bought many classics on BD that I had on DVD, this is in the studios pocket that they would not have if we where still on DVD I already bought those movies 3 old format is cracked and means loss of sales: look at DVD, it is super easy to copy and almost everyone does it, you dont need to be technical at all to do it. 4 timing: there are forces that help an earlier date, but the industry needs to be mindful, if a new format comes out to often it can destroy the industry so 1, 2 and 3 and can help push for an earlier release in the format, but if new formats came out, for example, every 3 years most people would say to themselves why bother, I am not paying 30/movie for a 3 year rental, in my opinion unless there is a real big jump in tech anything less then 10years is detrimental. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:43 AM. Release Date: December 23, 2008 All critics have their rules, their preferences and pet peeves. Sometimes theyre a matter of personal taste one genre over another and sometimes theyre a result of seeing the same approach taken too many times with the same material. But despite cinemas inherent ability to instruct its audience upon the finer points of finding love, recognizing shortcomings, and overcoming adversity, I really, really hate it when characters learn lessons. All of which is why, at least according to my own, subjective standards, the Coen brothers Burn After Reading may be the greatest movie ever made. Returning to the idiosyncratic humor that established them as industry mischief-makers, the Coens eviscerate any possibility of growing up after the Oscar-winning success of No Country for Old Men by crafting an absurd black comedy that enthusiastically celebrates its own pointlessness. CLICK HERE to read the full Burn After Reading review by Todd Gilchrist. The films naturalistic visual style is nicely delivered in a 85:1 widescreen ratio. When you have characters acting in outlandish ways and a story thats set in a slightly twisted reality, the key to believability is to set it in a world that is dull, familiar and recognizable. Thats typical of the Coens previous films, and it continues here. There arent complex effects shots or vivid pops of color, just a straightforward presentation with a slight scarecrow mcr of film grain that doesnt detract from the writing or performances. The picture is sharp and detailed, maybe too much so for the comfort of the actors sporting telltale signs of the natural aging process. It doesnt exactly look spectacular, but thats obviously not what the directors were going for here anyway. The sound is presented in DTS-HD master audio This is a dialogue heavy film, and that element gets the most focus here in the center channels. The dynamic range wont push your system to any lengths, but there are a scarecrow mcr of instances where gunshots ring out with startling force and the sound of a helicopter overhead seems to be coming from all directions. Add in some dramatic music swells to establish rising scarecrow mcr and what seems to be a simple and unassuming audio presentation suddenly turns into an impressive soundscape for a few brief, shining moments. This single-disc release comes in the standard blue plastic case. The special features are disappointingly slim, consisting of just three EPK-style featurettes.

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