Compulsion trailer Hope

Compulsion trailer

Hope corporate is As long as Blu-Ray discs have a higher price, I understand a slight premium. But since Netflixs inventory has such a small percentage of Blu-Ray movies is it even 1% how about adding the premium if the customer has a Blu-Ray any time during the month. Its unacceptable to pay a premium if you have requested a premium service and you Netflix can not provide that premium service during that month. The implication that all movies should be in 1080p is implicit here. One more thought. If NetFlix truly cares about customer service they would invest in greater Blu-Ray supplies before the rate increase. Ive read several blogs that a price increase would allow the investment in greater copies of Blu-Ray discs. Come on, that is backwards thinking. NetFLix is a highly successful and profitable company, they should only ask for more money if all titles can be supplied in the format. First of all I wouldnt mind the price increase if Blu-Rays were compulsion trailer AVAILABLE!! Every time i add a Blu-Ray movie it is either a VERY LONG WAIT or LONG WAIT!!! If youre going to charge us more get more copies of the new movies so we dont have to wait forever I think it is ridiculous to pay extra for bluray movies. The services are supposed to be a package deal. If they are going to nickel and dime, why not charge extra for instant watching. Why not charge extra for new releases like going to blockbuster does. Why not charge extra for movies that are the most popular. The reason people use netflix is to get the movies they want at a flat rate, not to be nickel and dimed. I hope this is not a new trend for netflix to have a subscription that does not include all there services. Perhaps Netflix partnering with Microsofts Xbox vs. Sonys PS3 has some part in this? Why doesnt NetFlix allow on-line viewing with the PS3 but they do with the xBox? NF may be making a huge strategic mistake here. I will not tolerate a BluRay disc tax. Ive been a Netflix user for just a few months and chose Blu-ray from the very beginning, so it seems strange that it just occurred to you that Blu-ray users should be charged more. It seems you should never have offered the plan for 99/month. I think a whole whopping 12 extra a year is a small price to pay for an expanding format with far better picture and sound quality. If 12 is too much for you, maybe compulsion trailer shouldnt have Netflix at all. Its their service and they can charge whatever they want. I enabled Blue-Ray access from August onwards and have been charged 1 extra since then. So why announce now when you have been charging me 1 extra already from August 2008? Of course, I will pay compulsion trailer extra 00 it is nothing. But, the regular DVDs are cheaper week after week. To be fair, Why You Netflix, dont give your customers a credit of al least 00 every month?. Why we have to wait weeks to watch a Blu-ray movie? It is no fair either from Netflix. I love Netflix, but at the same time, the must fulfill the customers expectations. I have no problem with this price increase AT ALL. I think blu-ray is a better product and am happy to pay 1 more for it. if you dont like it, go BACK to the DVD option and save the money. The extra revenue will allow Netflix to accumulate more titles on the better format. Why does everyone always have a problem with a company trying to offer a better service and make a better profit at the same time. This isnt a reduction of service, this is the realization that Netflix was losing a lot of money on the blu-ray product. Accordingly, the charge helps them to maintain the service instead of cancelling it. Guess I better put my whopping 26 Blu-ray titles at the top of my queue, watch then fast, and cancel the Blu-ray option before the price increase kicks in. I can understand the rationale, but feel it should ONLY be applied when I ACTUALLY get a Blu-ray disc. Im actually cancelling my subscription to Netflix, and just going back to HD channels on TV HBO, etc with Tivo. Admittedly i was on the fence for a while about continuing my subscription, but this pushed me over the edge. The 1 by itself not so much, but Ive gotten tired of being nickelled and dimed every where I turn.

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