Playing with fire n dubz lyrics

Playing with fire n dubz lyrics

Some parts of the movie began to be well done but then they rushed on to the next scene, and there was no time to develop the good parts. If only the movie had been half an hour longer, and the added time had been taken right from the book, I think the movie could have been improved mightily. This is just a quickly written thing, and I m sure not many people will read it maybe I ll put a longer review in the proper review section, but in conclusion, I thought the movie was ok, pretty good, not as bad as I thought but it could have been so much better. Parts made me laugh, shiver, get excited, and think fondly about the book, but I wish there had been more good parts, that they d been developed more. I didn t even mind the green mist so much my main concern was that the scenes were rushed when they could have been taken so much further. It makes me sad, because I can just imagine what the movie COULD have been. This is my personal opinion, of course. I know some people loved the movie and if you did, please don t yell at me for saying how I personally feel about it. I did like the movie better than I thought I would, especially the climax and the ending. I just lament that it was so short and rushed, and that the Lone Islands were chopped to pieces. I wish there was a chance to do a few things over. And by the way, my family has bought the movie, so we ve done our part to try to continue the series. Despite VDT s flaws, I am looking forward to seeing the Magician s Nephew IF it is playing with fire n dubz lyrics made, although I would really rather see the Silver Chair just because I want to see Eustace again before he grows up. I agree about the Lone Islands, Starlily. Good analysis. I like the VDT film! And I look very much forward to the dvd coming out in my country. The Lone Islands scenes were disappointing, this is one of my favourite part of the book. And the film was a bit rushed at times. I loved Reep, though, and his relationship with Eustace. All in all a good film. Very good observations. I really hope they improve, but lets face it, the problem seems to be with the producer s choices of writers. I TOTALLY agree with you! I also think cutting the green mist out altogether would have left a lot more room to expand on the scenes that were actually true to the book. There were a few things I loved about VDT like Eustace, but once again, the moviemakers substituted too many of their own mediocre ideas for Lewis s wonderful story. Ideally, I would really love to see a Christian direct The Magician s Nephew if they even make it, but that s probably too much to hope for. I d settle for a screenwriter who can actually write dialogue or who is willing to use some of the brilliant writing already available in the book. :-S Narnia won the crystal dove seal awards best adventure movie of 2010! Far off to see that Narnia has been nominated for NMA s best fantasy film of 2010, Georgie Henley for best actress and Ben Barnes for best actor! all results will be playing with fire n dubz lyrics this May 11! Hoping for Narnia to WIN! I was really disappointed that the dvd had no real special features, only deleted scenes and some music videos which i ll probably never watch. What I loved most about the Narnia dvd s were the special features where you got to see the locations and how they made it etc. Still I bought the film, but only because it was part of a special deal with another dvd Hate, hate HATE VDT! The movie of course Why do You hate it? It s soooo better than HP? It s clean, with action and adventure and GOOOOOOOD Acting from Will Poulter, Gorgie Henlie, and Skander Keynes! Why watch deathly hallows when you got these good movies? Frankly, I don t blame non-Christian groups for chosing HP over VDT. The CON books are by far my favorite, but the VDT movie is so preachy and not at all subtle. It s the script, not the acting, which does this I think. I wouldn t say Georgie or Skandar s acting was good.

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