Roxanne the police karaoke The

Roxanne the police karaoke

The consumer had squat to do with their prices, they wanted to win at all costs. People keep blaming everything on gas prices but weve still got cheaper gas than most other countries. Maybe if people quit buying SUVs and crap Id hear them out but uh-uh. I pay about 30/month for gas on my nice 30mpg car. You must drive one block to work. I zip an hour down the highway and back and it costs me I doubt Bluray will become as popular as DVD has. might get alot bigger, but still never reach the proportions that DVD did. I think its chance as a data recorder will give it chances to survive. but downloads will likely surpass buying media music cds, movies in the future. which mean move sale son bluray will never be close to DVD sales levels. Down-loadable movies and streaming video. New memory technologies may soon make Blu-Ray worthless. The whole HDMI/HDCP? Whats that? mess. The cheapest player on the Egg is about 4 HD-DVD players went for 100 as they faded away. DVDs are bargain bin, far cheaper than they ever were before and finally reasonably priced! With hundreds of thousands of movies to watch, who needs new ones? Not many new movies are that great anymore, sometimes the classics are better. The writers of today are un-inventive, and draw too much from old classics that had superior actors anyway. The same is happening in music. Show me an original band. They were influenced heavily and so old bands. This is part of why the music and movie industries are dying, its not all because of piracy like the RIAA would like you to believe. Part of the reason people pirate is in protest to DRM. Sell high-quality CDs/DVDs DRM free and some pirates might actually buy it. The average movie-watcher doesnt give to poops about DRM and downloadable movies. Its all about price price price. Since the death of HD-DVD, Sony has been cranking the prices of Blu-Ray movies UP instead of down. Theyre either content with low market saturation or theyre incredibly stupid. I never said that it was the only reason, or that it was everyones reason. But thanks for that. With Sonys PS3 sales going up, theyre moving the cost of movies up as well because they think they can. When will companies learn that its not long-term sustainable or as profitable to price gouge? Good prices are sales. Sony needs to pull their head out of Every disc sold is free advertising media. SONY appears on every disc. Why dont they get that the more they sell, the more popular they become? There IS still brand loyalty. Heck, think about clothing lines. Does it cost 1000 to make a Prada handbag? I think not. I agree with a few comments from HD owners, To say DVD is as good a picture as blu-ray is rediculous, Its like chalk and cheese with the right setup! And that is just it the right set up, Its not entirely blu-rays fault expensive or not, Most of the general public just havent made the switch yet to HDTV roxanne the police karaoke a theatre surround sound, Thats the expensive part investing in a 1080p tv and sound setup. Why buy a blu ray player and movies when u aint got the tv to enjoy it. With prices for big 1080p tvs dropping fast and hitting the mass market it wont take long after that for the adoption of a HD player to add to there setup. I just recently went thirds with my oldies on a 52 Sony Bravia XBR1080p and 1 DTS Setup from a previous 55 Samsung rear projection800x600 resolution, Blu ray is absolutely spectacular regardless of the extra crap they throw onto discs that i never bother looking at. As for u porn freaks out thereme included let me just say its about as close as u can get insane quality, I actually like seeing the imperfections on the girls just like real life, Better than fuzzy/blurred out crap on dvd, Blu ray brings them back to reality real fast!: Its early days yet, I am fairly tech minded and buy the latest gear soon after release, So if others like me r only roxanne the police karaoke making a switch then it will be a while before the general public jump onboard to blu-ray. I bought the PS3 for gaming, bought an HDTV for my Xbox 360 PS3 computer, I dont even have my cable box connected to the TV, as it runs through my standard TVs in all my rooms of my home.

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